Blogger Backgrounds

Saturday 27 August 2011

Sungguh xleyh bla! = ="

Annyeong! :)
Yeah..dpt gak update blog aQ niey.. ^^
Smbil2 dgr lgu "HANDS UP" tetibe dpt ilham nk update utk blog niey..
aQ teringat sal last presentation utk class madam Mary before ktowg blek kg msing2..
Btw,madam Mary mmg t'baek larh sbb release ktowg awl! lebiu larh!!
Smbung blek sal last presentation td..
Our madam Mary sruh ktowg ubah lyrics lgu pape jela (include lgu rye)
mmg xley bla aQ ngn "leader" group aQ tuh..
nk sume perfect tp,dye xwt pape pown..
dye tuh cm "habuk" utk group ktowg..
serabut jewp..!!!

Niey larh gmbr candid yg smpat aQ ambik dri partner aQ.. :)
The lyric aQ xleyh nk ltak kt sni sbb some lyrics missing..haha.. :p
mse ngah bz wt plan utk presentation + wt ktupat .. :)

Night before ktowg kne wt presentation..haha.. xD
(sowie..umah agak b'sepah sket sbb sume cbok mngemas bju utk blek kg)
Lg satu,tolong abaikan plastic mydin and also sos cili ats mje tuh..hehe..

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