Blogger Backgrounds

Sunday 31 July 2011

Ketensionan melanda..

Good  morning hmpir ke noon~

Pgi niey tetibe aQ buang tebiat g bgn awl.. = ="
Pew lar nk jd ngn aQ niey..

Niey sume gara2 sbjk A&P~~!!!!!!!!!!

aQ cyg madam m******u ketat2.. :p

thanks eyp sbb wt aQ jd cm spongebob ilang patrick.. haha..

si pencinta teddy da pnggil aQ suh breakfast..
bYe.. :)

Saturday 16 July 2011

aQ xnk balikkk!!

Good evening hmpir ke night..
aQ sdih towl ary niey..
Esk da nk blek smule kt nilai.. :(
Tension towl..A&P lar yg wt aQ agak mental sket.. ~(=o=)~
Ouh madam..why you so cruel with us??? >o<
Arghhh!! Tension ble pk cmne aQ nk igt sume mnde tuh??!!
Yg wat aQ lgi tension,roommate aQ antu stokin tuh pretend yg dia tuh genies..wekk!!

TaKe My HeArT.. :)

You can take my heart
For a walk on the beach,
You can take my heart
For a little trip,
You can take my heart
Very close to your heart,
You can take my heart
Forever if you like.

But not every heart

Belongs to any other
You and I
You and I are meant to be.

I'm the one for you

you're the one for me
you love me as much as I do
when you look at me and we're skin to skin
I want you, so please come in
and you love me more and more
and my love grows up with you
and you kiss me more and more
and I kiss you too
and I kiss you too

If I take your heart

I will cherish it every day
If I take your heart
I will heal these old wounds
If I take your heart
it's to make it happy
If I take your heart
it's forever close to mine

But not every heart

belongs to any other
You and I

You and I

are meant to be
I'm the one for you
you're the one for me
you love me as much as I do
when you look at me and we're skin to skin
I want you, so please come in
and you love me more and more
and my love grows up with you
and you kiss me more and more
and I kiss you too
and I kiss you too

I don't care

I don't care
if I'm again carried away
if you swear
if you swear
to give me your heart in return
I don't care, I don't care!
if i'm again carried away
if you swear
if you swear
to give me your heart in return
to give me your heart in return

Thursday 14 July 2011

T'kezut Mak... Hahaha.. XD

Good evening hmpir ke night..
Skrg da msuk wktu mghrib...
Antu stokin smakin aktif..
Si antu niey bgn dri keranda stokin and tros solat mghrib..
Haha~ baek pnyer jnis antu..
Yg wt aQ hangin..dia siap "sound" lg sbb xkjot dia utk solat asar..
Hek elleh~~~ wktu solat igt2 sndri ar!
Hey,dsar antu stokin!!!
Mlm niey mlm jmaat..peh,smkin aktif si antu stokin b'sme saka nyer.. T^T

Arghh! serabot aQ ngn antu stokin niey..
*tgk jam* OMG! aQ da lmbt nk g men bdmnton..
Mlm ney game baek pnyer...
nk tgk x pngadil aQ??

maaf..maaf..dia niey slah pkai "eye shadow"
btw,dia mmg howt!
Kau mmpu noks nk make-up cm niey??
hny dia yg mmpu.. haha.. XD
Pstt..niey bkn "eye shadow" murahan okeys..
diimport dri kpjiuc..haha..


Roommate Ku Yang Kuat Membute... = ="

Day by day..aQ mkin xthan ngn si antu stokin niey..
waktu mlm mmg la mlm an???tpi mslhnyer wktu siang x muncul2...
asal dye tdo jew,aQ ngn roommate yg len kne ikut syarat2 nie:

1) jgn wt bsing..(no whisper2 too lorh!)
2) jgn ktawe kuat..(korg xtaw klo time aQ tdow dia ktawe cmne)
3) jgn gegarkn ktil.. (time dia xpew lak)
4) klo dgr lgu,kne wt mood mute.. 
5) xleyh lempar bom nagashima mrate2.. 
Klo aQ or mngse2 si antu stokin niey lnggar praturan niey..
HaBiS laRh kne sembur cm febreez (tp bau arOmA stokin yg mnusuk kidney and also cell2 yg b'knaan..larhh)

aQ rase kowang gerenti plik...coz dduk dalam blik dgn alam yg sentiasa mlm....
no more siang,maen n bgurau....bborak pon haram nk buat...

Moral of the story...jgn cri roommate yg adr sifat2 cm antu stokin niey..
Hisy..lme2,leyh b'gegar medula oblongata aQ..
Cell2 yg adr..lintang pukang g cri body laen..
Muscle2...ape lg,msuk acare lari bsuh stokin b'gnti2 larhhh.....


Wednesday 13 July 2011

Saka stokin kat dlm auditorium KPJ college..

Sparuh gler towl klo igt sal peristiwa niey..
One day..dlm audi,aku ngah syok lyan sbjek "Anatomi and Physiologi"..
Tetibe...adr 1 bau yg amat mnusuk kalbu and also mnggeletek brain aku yg sparuh gler
mnghafal part of bodies..
Aku pon investigate ar punce bau tuh..
Psing kiri,herm..xde bau pape pon..
Ble aku psing knan,isk3..
Aku tgk this "Young nnek" bkak ksut dia..
Omak aih..kecut mte aku!!
Then,aku gtaw mmber yg sme2 ske mngumpat nnek tuh..
Ktawe xigt dnia diorg..
Waeyo sume niey jd kat aku???
Ouh tidakkkk!!!
Mmg dahsyatt... >o<

I'm not single anymore..Weee...!!! XD

Finally..I'm not single anymore.. :)

Wahaha.. XD
Mle2,aku kcau dia sbb dia pnggil aku hmster..siot btol... = ="
tpi,xpew lar..i still love him..heheh.. <-- mood mark johnson da mai da..
tetibe dia minx nk wat status in relationship ngn aku kt fb..
OMG..Hadoi..xsngke towl..

Whatever~ si "young nenek" lak cbuk bebenor pk sal kndri kwin aku..
hish..agk2 ar..aku still mude lg...
togel pnyer nnek.. >o<
Aku xtaw pew motif dia niey...

Saturday 2 July 2011

Kesewelan melanda..!!

Urgh,sumbak gler aku skrg niey!!
Tabiat lme dah mai dahh...
Migrain aku kalau lme2 cam niey..
Hey,brasap arh..
Aku nk ngumpat sal smlm lar..heheh.. <-- mark johnson's trademark aku pinjam sat..
Aku mmg bengang gler smlm sbb xdpt balik kuantan..
aku rindu kat kucing aku.. :'(
Bowink abes ar mse orientasi tuh!
Dduk lak sblah nnek ku yg "t'cyunk"
Kesengalan pon melanda...
Nsib baik mse tuh aku bwk earphone.. :)
Tp,aku x dpt byangkan yg aku t'pkse dduk kt sblah nnek tuh slame 3 taon!!!
OMG!!!! WTF.. >o<
That's all..
Lps niey aku kne practice wat diary lam bi..
sengal towl...
pai pai... ^o^
Aku mau tido dah...