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Saturday, 18 May 2013

Clinic Ortho..

 Hello readers..
kali niey aku nk story sket pasal experience aku
sepanjang bekerja di klinik ortho or klinik pakar tulang..
Seriously mmg penat sbb aku dapat dr yg nk sume cpt..
Dia paling xske menunggu..
Aku lak jenis yg kelam kabut..
Mmg terbaik ar kn..
Shit ar..
First2,aku cri dia kat ward xjmpe..
then,ble balik klinik aku jmpe dia..
Tapi..sorry laa xsmpat nk kenalkn diri sy..
pandai2 laa dr bce nme sy eyk..heee..
Day by day..aku makin terseksa kat klinik tuh..
Damn ouh!!
Yg pnting aku xkn lpe peristiwa aku kne fitnah smpai kne pnggil..
Smpai bila-bila aku xkn maafkn pmpn tuh..
Yg pnting aku xsalah...
aku xtau ape motif kau pmpn wt cmnih..
adr aku kacau hidup kau ke..??
mulut mcm longkang!! Sial btol..
For the end of this entry..
Aku nk tnjuk sket ar clinic yg aku kje tuh..hehe..

mmg xde kje time nih sbb clinic da nk ttup.. :)

Sunday, 12 May 2013

New Clinical Posting area..KPJ Puteri Specialist Hospital....

Hello readers... :)
Jyeahh...dah lama aku xupdate story kat blog neyh..
Hehe..Now,I'm back..!!
Okay,as the title above aku nk story sikit ar psal 
destinasi clinical posting yg sterusnyer..KPJ Puteri Specialist Hospital..
It's quite small hospital..
Seriously I'm shock when at the 1st time aku masuk dlm hospital tuh..
Mybe sbb aku dah terbiasa dgn KPJ Damansara and KPJ Johor Specialist..
Staff nurse kt sne..hurmm..majoriti okay laa...
Tapi aku rse skrg ney setiap department yg aku pegi,msty adr org yg akan
jealous ngn aku..Ceh,padahal diorg lagi gorgeous...Lalala..wekk..
*tgn di dada,mata ke atas* 

Department 1 : Surgical Ward
Org yg jealous ngn aku : Care Asisstant shiff malam
Motif : Nah,mybe dye jealous ngn bibir aku yg always merah .. :p
Komen aku : Noks,ko kn every month dpt gaji...beli ar lipstick cm aku..
msty boypren ko si bidin tuh xlari..Hahaha..
Dah tua pon ada hati nk ber "B".."Syg"..
Wekk...nk muntah aku ble dgr citer ko..!

Department 2 : Dialysis
Org yg jealous ngn aku : Staff nurse yg kje kt sne..kdg2 dye kne gi Operation Theater..
Motif : Dye ney jealous ngn cara aku make up..Lol..perli aku kuat si Minachi ney..
sbar jelaa...nsib baik 1 week jer aku kt sne..Klo x,peh mmg aku kne dok mnghadap dye..Urgh!
Komen aku : Adik manis..klo nk blajar make up,bkak laa Youtube..blambak tutorial..
But..aku tau bkn sume colour ko boley rembat..hehe...Jgn marah haa..Btw,pearl yg menghiasi
rmbt ko tuh mmg "cntik"..siap matching ngn sepit rmbt..haha..
Cam bdk tadika aku tgk..

Next station aku..Clinic (Next Week : 13th May 2013)
Mak aih..dgr story doctor yg bakal aku follow ney mmg nk sume pantas..
Choii..mmg kne pasang turbo kat kasut aku.. Haha

Mulut aku memang jahat..Tapi kadang kala masih boleh dikawal..
BUT!! Ble ko da wt aku xske kt ko..mmg kne makian syg laa kn..
That's all.. :)
Thanks for reading...

By the way,I want to wish Happy Mother's Day(12th May 2013) and Happy Nurses Day (13th May 2013) :D

Actually..I'm glad to be a nurse even though i'm quite phobic with blood... :)
That's a lot of adventure that we've been trough since Semester 1 until now Semester 6..
2 semester more to go before we're graduated.. :)
Wish me luck guys..!